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Motivational Moments By Author Tricia Andreassen
Sunday, December 11 2022

As I think on the fragile lives of our children my heart breaks into a thousand pieces. To loose a young life at 12 years old (in my community) that in one minute here and the next minute gone is hard to comprehend. While I don't know what happened it does cause me to reflect when Jordan was in 6th grade. That was such a hard year for him. He felt out of place for the first time and came home many a days sad. He was actively bullied by a kid in the neighborhood where I had proof the child told him he wished he were dead and came by our house threatening to beat him up. It fell on deaf ears as it was portrayed that it was jordan causing it. Thank the good Lord we moved him to a private school. He cried from being so happy. He went to straight A's, volunteer work, church, summer camp for 5 weeks and made many friends and he skipped a grade. In fact the camp director shared was a sweet child he was with others, just shy... why am I writing this?

I don't know......what I know is that our children are faced with so many adult situations and decisions. As I have a calling on me to help children and adults who are wanting to heal their hearts and spirit I too reflect. What can we do? How do we instill love in one another? As I pray for this beautiful young life lost in our community it doesn't matter in what circumstances.

What matters is knowing the pain of losing any life is heart wrenching for any parent,friend,grandparent. I continue to pray and seek for these answers so that we can all help others in some way ...... children, all children need love, guidance and continued Leadership just like we all do. In Mathew Jesus talks about taking care of the children. It is my hope we can... all of them.

As I teach leadership and motivation I hope to spread the word of encouragement, light and love to others.

Posted by: Tricia Andreassen AT 01:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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